Environmental workshops

The Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica (IGAPE) has awarded the Galician Cluster of Environmental Solutions and Circular Economy (Viratec) the implementation of workshops on environmental issues to be carried out between June 2024 and June 2025, under the programme ‘Multidisciplinary workshops on digitisation, sustainability and advanced logistics’.

The various workshops are grouped into three projects, according to their subject matter: recovery of textile and plastic waste; water management; and rationalisation of the use of resources and reuse of waste. To carry them out, Viratec has the collaboration of Ingenyus, Medrar Solutions and EOSA.

Valorisation of textile and plastic waste

With Ingenyus, Viratec will carry out workshops on the management and recovery of textile and plastic waste, which will include the identification of technologies, processes, suppliers and calls for proposals to finance the projects. The objective is to have a positive impact on the reduction of these wastes, but also on their valorisation through innovative processes.

Water management

The project with Medrar Solutions consists of carrying out workshops to learn about and evaluate current technologies to improve water management in operational aspects linked to urban and industrial WWTPs, drinking water treatment, etc. Through our own proven methodologies and group dynamics, we will seek to generate synergies between participants that respond to particular and common needs and that can achieve tangible results in the form of RDI projects, among others.

Rationalisation of resource use and waste reuse

The Viratec cluster and EOSA will carry out a joint project with two fundamental objectives: on the one hand, by bringing together entities associated with Viratec and the Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida de Galicia (Bioga), the aim is to maximise the rationalisation of the use of resources and the reuse of waste, reducing costs and offering more sustainable and competitive products and services, achieving a better positioning in the face of the rise of new niches and markets. On the other hand, these meetings will try to strengthen the links between the different companies in the sector, favouring the development of links and projects that go beyond the workshop itself.