Business Factory ClimaTech

The aim of the Business Factory ClimaTech is to develop technologies that have a positive impact on the climate through the implementation of support programmes for entrepreneurship initiatives specialising in these areas. The aim is to support innovative, viable and scalable companies that respond to environmental challenges, help industry in the green transition and attract talent, while strengthening the positioning of the Galician environmental sector internationally.

Viratec co-finances this business accelerator together with the Regional Ministry of Economy and Industry, with a total budget of 1,050,000 euros to be executed in three calls until the end of 2026. Throughout these three years, three calls will be made and each of them will have three phases: incubation, acceleration and consolidation. The first edition will support a maximum of six entrepreneurship projects, and in the second and third edition up to 16 initiatives will be able to participate.

The ClimaTech Business Factory will have a Board of Entities made up of driving companies, scientific and research entities that will be responsible for validating the most relevant challenges to be included in the calls for proposals. We have been working on the proposal of challenges for months, with the information we have on the problems detected by different agents and companies. These must be approved by the Executive Board.

Phases of BFClimaTech:

In the first phase, incubation, the projects will be in the stage of defining the product or service idea.

The second stage is the acceleration stage, in which the initiatives will have an idea and a defined product or service and commit to developing a minimum viable product. They may be promoted by companies that have already been established for a maximum of seven years, or the promoters may commit to the creation of a company/work centre in Galicia within a given period within the acceleration period.

The third and last phase, the consolidation phase, is the one in which the projects will have a product or service developed in a defined business model. They may even have made sales, but they will be helped to consolidate and scale, and even be invested in by different agents.