New steps on the road to a clean, circular, energy-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient economy. The LIFE programme, the only EU programme specifically dedicated to environmental and climate action, was approved a few days ago. The European Parliament will allocate a total budget of €5.4 billion to environmental activities and climate action.
The Life programme will contribute to making climate action a key aspect of all EU policies and to reaching the overall objective of spending at least 30% of the EU budget on climate objectives.
Nils Torvalds MEP said that “when we look at what LIFE has achieved so far, of course a bigger budget can help us achieve even more in the future. Although I would prefer an even bigger budget for LIFE, I am very happy that we are reaching a new level of engagement with nature and climate, so that the programme can continue to test ideas and showcase future green solutions. LIFE can now also mobilise additional funds for action on nature, climate and energy”.