VIRATEC Board of Directors elected! Last Friday was held the Extraordinary General Assembly of VIRATEC in which was elected the Board of Directors of the Cluster for the next 4 years. The Board is composed of the following entities:
Presidency: Viaqua Gestión Integral de Aguas de Galicia, S.A.
Vice-presidency: Agroamb Prodalt, S.L.
Secretariat: Norvento Energía Distribuida, S.L.
Treasury: Daorje Medioambiente, S.A.U.
1st Board Member: University of Santiago de Compostela
2nd Board Member: Valtalia Investment, S.L.
3rd Board Member: Sogarisa – Contenedores de La Coruña, S.L.
In the presentation of the candidacy, Marcos Martín, president of VIRATEC, reminded that the Board of Directors will continue working to make VIRATEC a reference in the field of environmental solutions and circular economy, involving all the members of the Cluster in working groups in direct connection with the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the Cluster.