Spain’s 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy is approved! This week, the Council of Ministers has given the green light to a set of policies aimed at improving and achieving a “more socially just, sustainable, egalitarian and feminist country in the coming years”.
Many challenges have been identified (8): climate and environmental emergency, inequality, job insecurity, the situation of the rural environment… Specifically, in the environmental field, the measures are committed to “a new green, digital and fair economic and production model” and “the green economy”.
The document presented, which contains two parts (accountability and the Strategy itself) has had the participation of the public, private, academic and citizen sectors. The United Nations Global Compact Spain has collaborated in the process by consulting more than 1,900 companies, as well as in its drafting and revision.
The strategy will be presented to the UN in the framework of the second voluntary national review that will take place at the High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development, scheduled for July.